How Do We At Adcom Tackle E-Waste? | Adcom India :)
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How Do We At Adcom Tackle E-Waste?
How Do We At Adcom Tackle E-Waste?

Do you remember where is your last mobile phone you left? Or your any other electronic device that you previously owned e.g. your T.V, computer, mouse, etc. Maybe not because either it was thrown somewhere or you gave it to the Kabadiwala. This gives rise to a major problem in the world 'E-waste'.

What is E-Waste?

Electronic waste (e-waste) refers to the disposal of broken or obsolete electronic components and materials. E-waste materials may be valuable and recyclable, such as random access memory and reusable laptops. However, hazardous materials, such as cathode ray tube monitors, require special handling in disposal. Acc. to a recent report, 20 to 50 million metric tons of e - waste are disposed a worldwide every year. Cell phones and other electronic items contain high amounts of precious metals like gold or silver. Americans dump phones containing over $60 million in gold/silver every year. Only 12.5% of e - waste is currently recycled.

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