Our Story Behind Brand Adcom Featured on Storiyaan | Adcom India :)
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Our Story Behind Brand Adcom Featured on Storiyaan
Our Story Behind Brand Adcom Featured on Storiyaan

Our CEO Mr. Sahib Bhatia was recently interviewed by Storiyaan, a publication that writes about a brand's journey and story. Mr. Sahib told us how we managed to grow back in 2017. He said “ In 2018, we launched our first product. But the journey this time was about rebooting an already well-established brand, not relaunching. It was a monumental task to handle. We took a 360 degree to change the dynamic of our brand— including the brand logo. But the challenge was about breaking through today’s vast market of electronic gadgets.” 

For us, one of our main achievements is to meet our customer satisfaction level. For this, we decided to talk about what our customers think about us. We approached three of our random customers to ask them what they think about our product and service. You can read them in the article. (link provided below )

Read the full article here: https://www.storiyaan.com/adcom/ 
Follow Sahib Bhatia on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sahibbhatia_/
Follow us on Instagram:  https://instagram.com/adcomindia
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