Proudly Hosting & Promoting Startups with Pervallion 2020 | Adcom India :)
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Proudly Hosting & Promoting Startups with Pervallion 2020
Proudly Hosting & Promoting Startups with Pervallion 2020

Wealthy Waste, a young tech startup founded by Mr. Sayak Acharjee, based on the caring of the environment, organized its event “Perivallon”. Perivallon was a two-day virtual event focused on Waste Management and Entrepreneurship, which provides young entrepreneurs to showcase their startups. Not only this but the Wadhwani Foundation funds the best ideas for their future. Students from more than 50+ schools, colleges & institutions participated in the event. Some of them were from IEM Kolkata, UEM Kolkata, UEM Jaipur, NIT Mizoram, IIT Guwahati, IIT KGP, Techno India Kolkata, BIT M, MKH Sancheti public school & junior college, Nagpur, KIITS, IIEST S, Jadavpur University, NIT Patna, Shikshangan Salt lake, RNS institute of technology Bangalore, etc.

The event was held on 5th and 6th December 2020. More than 1200 students participated as listeners and as a presenter. There were more than 45 start-ups presented for this event, and other brands. The Chief Guest for the event was the Founder of Art Living Foundation, Shri Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji. The aim of the event was to make a mutual platform where every start-up from any part of the country can join for free and demonstrate themselves and their ideas and can also listen to the best speakers without any fee & inculcate and develop their entrepreneurship skills. So that all start-ups can be connected to good investors and foundations to get support to grow & the best out of them. Platforms like this inspire young minds to do something new.

Multiple Speakers like Arijit Bhattacharya, Rohit Sarkar, Sandeep Sengupta, Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay, Ashutosh Kumar Jha joined the event. Young Entrepreneurs like Soumik Nandi, Shinjini Mukherjee, Ankita De, Sourajit Basu, Anaya Ghosh also shared their journey experience. The event saw some great young minds expressing their ideas which impressed everyone. Below are some of the snapshots from the Perivallon 2020.

Organizers of Perivallon 2020 praised Adcom India and said “We are very much impressed that ADCOM had achieved such a great market, valuable and trusted customers within a very short span of time, that's really an inspiring story for all young entrepreneurs & start-up enthusiasts. The presentation of ADCOM products is really very authentic. The best part of ADCOM is that they treat their customers, partners, associates,  collaborators, very warmly & lovingly. We sincerely thank ADCOM to help us put up an event of this magnitude."

We at Adcom India are dedicated to giving the platform to the deserved ones. We were very inspired to see some brilliant young minds on Perivallon 2020. It was a great experience to collaborate with Wealthy Waste and bring an event of this magninute and we sincerely hope to work together in the future as well.

You can watch the full event of Perivallon 2020 from here: 

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